Current Vaccinations, Medications, and Other Offerings Available at 501 Pharmacy

With the change of the season, we figured now would be a great time to provide an update on our current offerings at 501 Pharmacy! There’s always lots going on around here, and it can be hard to keep up with everything we have available. Here are some of the more popular vaccinations, medications, and other products/services we have stocked right now. And if you have questions about anything not mentioned here, don’t hesitate to give us a call!

COVID Vaccinations

We have a steady supply of both Pfizer and Moderna coming in weekly. The CDC authorized adults 65 and older to get a booster as long as it’s been four months since their last one, so if it’s about that time, come see us!


Don’t forget about other important vaccinations such as Shingrex, the vaccine to prevent shingles. It’s approved for patients 50 years and above. Han already got his, so now it’s your turn! 😉

CBD/THC Products

We’ve had some supply issues with our increasingly popular lines of CBD/THC gummies, topical creams, capsules, and seltzers, but it looks like they’ve been resolved, so we should have more products available on our shelves from now on! Don’t forget, pets can also benefit from these types of products, which we have in oral tincture and soft chewable forms.

501 Pharmacy Pollen Medication

OTC Pollen Medications

Spring has sprung and that can only mean one thing… pollen! We offer a wide variety of over-the-counter medications to help with seasonal allergies for adults and children, including oral tablets, capsules, liquids, and even nasal sprays.

Speaking of allergies, our locally sourced elderberry syrup from The Elderberry Lady has local honey it and can also help with seasonal allergies!

Vitamin/Supplement Consultations

Kaleigh, our UNC resident, is still conducting vitamin/supplement consultations. We started the program with waived consultation fees for the first 20 people to register, and there are now only a few left. Don’t miss this great opportunity to meet with Kaleigh and have her review your medications to make suggestions to optimize your health!

Come See Us for All Your Spring Needs!

We’re always happy to assist our customers in person, with whatever their needs may be. Whether you’re looking to get a booster or other type of vaccination, fighting off allergy, have a specific medication you’re looking for, or just have a question about your overall health, we’d love to help you. Use our website to make your appointments, or come see us in person!